Hidden Burger Buns, the easy recipe by Filio (Credit @abc_lunchies)

Hidden Burger Buns

When you pack lunch for 2 kids, it’s common to be in the situation where you have to pack 2 different lunches as the children don’t always like the same food. Filio, @abc_lunchies, is one of these moms. One of her kids love burgers, the other doesn’t. She finally came up with a fun recipe to present the same food into a new way that is satisfying for both kids. Discover the “Hidden Burger Buns” easy recipe from Filio!

How to prepare the Buns

1-Prepare the Meatballs

For the meatballs use any recipe you like! Here is an easy recipe in case you need one for reference: Easy Meatballs by Allrecipes.

💡 Pro Tip: Boiling for 6 minutes makes them softer & more fluffy than frying/baking.

2- Prepare the Dough

List of the ingredients:
•400 grams all-purpose flour
•125 grams butter
•1 egg
•1 cup greek yoghurt
•1 tsp white vinegar
•1/2 tsp salt

Hidden Burger Buns by Filio _ Directions for the preparation of the dough.
Directions for the dough: add butter to flour & mix in with your fingers to get a ‘sandy’ texture. Add the rest of the ingredients & mix well. (Credit. @abc_lunchies)

3- Make the Buns

  • Cut the dough into small pieces (approx. 25 grams each).
  • Roll each piece into small circles, add meatballs, cheese, tomato sauce, or any ingredients of your choice.
  • Roll dough over meatball to create a ball.
  • Place on baking tray, brush with egg white & sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Bake at 180℃ (356℉) for 20’-30’ minutes until golden brown.

Buns in the making. Credit @abc_lunchies.

How do you like this recipe? Ready to get started? Show us what you do by uploading a photo on Teuko.com. Any other favorite recipe or tutorial that you would like to share with our lunchbox community? Submit your ideas by email.

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