Let lucky foods inspire your first lunch boxes of the year

While we all need inspiration and motivation to go back in the kitchen and pack our kids’ first lunches of the year, why not pick inspiration among these foods that are supposed to bring them good luck in the New Year? Here is for you a selection of food and packed lunches inspiration. Time to update your grocery list!
Update your grocery list with lucky foods in the New Year.

Lentils. Italians eat lentils on New Year’s for wealth and prosperity because the flat legumes were believed to resemble Roman coins. Lunchbox ideas with lentils

Soba Noodles. In Japan, they signify long life, but only if you eat them without breaking or chewing them. Lunchbox ideas with noodles

Black-Eyed Peas, Greens and Cornbread. “Peas for pennies, greens for dollars, and cornbread for gold”. In America, back to the Civil War era, black–eyed peas were used to feed grazing cattle. Leafy greens resemble folded paper money symbolizing wealth and prosperity. Lunchbox ideas with corn; Lunchbox ideas with peas

Pork. Its rich, delicious fattiness symbolize wealth and prosperity. Pigs are also “root forward” with their noses, which is supposed to symbolize progress. Lunchbox ideas with pork

Fish. Asian cultures feast on whole fish to celebrate Lunar New year, while on the other side of the globe, Europeans eat cod, herring, and carp. They do stand for coinage and plenty of it. Lunchbox ideas with Cod

Grapes. In Spain and Mexico, eating 12 grapes at midnight as the clock strikes once for each hour will bring you luck for the 12 months ahead. Lunchbox ideas with grapes

We can’t wait to see what will your first lunch boxes look like. Track and share what you do with our community on www.teuko.com, or tag #teuko on social networks: you will inspire other families to start the New Year strong!

Are you looking for more hacks to update your lunchtime routine? Read our 3 Tips For Healthy Grocery Shopping, and don’t miss our selection of 10 Foods that can save your lunch packing routine.

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