16 Easy Creative Lunch Ideas

We have so many things to do in our busy lives and so little time! This is especially true during Back-to-School when we face complicated lunch packing decisions daily. If we resolved to provide our kids with healthier and happier lunches, we still need to keep the packing process fast and easy in order to be realistic! Check out the lunch ideas we just picked for you to surprise the little ones without spending too much time.

Discover below the easy-to-make lunch ideas from parents who turn food into cool lunches!

Girly Bentos

Is your little princess a fan of Tangled? Or your little prince asking over and over again the tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Use spaghetti for creating the long blond hair!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas - Goldilocks
By Lunchboxmomsg on Teuko.com

A white round face with rice, ham, edamame, and seaweed. A piece of ham will do the trick for making a lovely girly bow!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (1)
Curated with love by our Teuko Team. From our Instagram friend @snackboxdiaries.

The Wreck It Ralph 2 movie coming out soon, create Vanellope Rolls with seaweed, rice and sausage (carrot flower totally optional!)

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (2)
By @risthi_rinjani on Instagram. Curated with love by Teuko.

Dino Bentos

Two dino ideas into one in this cool lunchbox: a triceratops spinach pancake and, if you don’t have the mold to shape the triceratops, a cute baby “snow peas, and egg” baby dino!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (3)
Original idea by @oh.my.bento on Instagram. Curated with love by Teuko.

For that one, you’ll need dino-shaped cutters and googly eyes picks. These inexpensive lunchbox accessories will make your young dino fan super happy!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (4)
Complete lunch menu on Teuko. By @bentoful_creations on Instagram.

Bear Bentos

One big rice ball for the head, two little rice balls for the ears… you’ve made 90% of the bear! Add tiny pieces of provolone cheese and of seaweed… done!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (5)
A yummy Teddy Bear, by @k.y0504, shared with us on Instagram. Retrieve the whole lunchbox menu on Teuko!

A slice of bread, a little bit of ham and a tiny piece of seaweed will do the trick for making a cute brown bear!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (6)
Cute brother and sister brown bears, by @love.mybento on Instagram. Lunchbox idea curated with love by Teuko.

Just take a slice of yellow-ish cheese, cut it with the shape of Winnie the Pooh. Draw the eyebrows, the eyes, the nose and the mouse with a food marker. You can possibly add a bow tie and a hat… and voilà!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (7)
Original lunchbox idea by @evzen_glenn, shared with Teuko on Instagram.

Not in the mood of shaping? Use a mini cutter, and easily gets cute bears from a slice of Colby Jack cheese!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (8)
Easy and bear-able lunchbox to make thanks to @ninjagomama who shared her idea with our Teuko community on Instagram.

Hot Hotdog Bento

Just a sausage, a tiny piece of cheese and peppercorn!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (9)
@love.mybento surprised us again on Instagram. Curated with love on Teuko.com

Put a summery American zest of Coney Island with mini hotdogs. Lovely ranged, it will be a hit!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (11)
Lunchbox idea by @remi832 shared with our Teuko community on Instagram.


Googly Eyes Bentos

Take 5 googly eyes picks and have your lunchbox hyper friendly in seconds!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (12)
Lunchbox idea by @thegoodboxco, shared with love with our Teuko Community on Instagram.

Or simply 2 picks on a half bagel and you got a funny monster-sandwich!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (13)
Lunchbox idea by @wildthingswearbows on Instagram, curated with love on Teuko.com

For making a googly eye Elmo, you may need extra seconds compared to the two previous ideas, but it’s relatively simple too: have a cherry tomato, 3 round pieces of cheese (2 of provolone cheese, 1 of cheddar), a seaweed for the eyes and the mouth… done! You have a Sesame Street masterpiece!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (14)
Lunchbox idea by @m18ch share with Teuko on Instagram

Extraterrestrial Bentos

With the use of wraps, fresh grated veggies, and googly eyes sticks, it’s like we have colorful Minions or rainbow Toys Story’s Aliens in the lunchbox!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (15)
Colorful wraps by @themeatballbento, curated with love by Teuko.

Use a cookie cutter, add blueberries for the eyes, or just use a colorful food marker, and your lunchbox connoisseur will go to the infinity and beyond!

Creative Lunchbox Ideas (16)
Yummy aliens created and shared by @zaynesplate on Instagram. Full lunchbox menu on Teuko.com

Start creating too and share your lunchbox ideas with our community on Teuko.com. Get your fun accessories to make it easier: visit the Teuko Boutique.

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