3 Questions For Lyly

Interview originally published on http://www.teuko.com, on June 15, 2017.


Lyly (@Lyloute_13) has been sharing her lunchbox ideas with the Teuko community for a few months now. She lives in the USA, on the East Coast. She has been teaming up with her husband to prepare and pack her twins’ lunch boxes everyday. Every morning she takes this extra second to take a picture of what they pack and share their ideas with other parents.

  • Tell us briefly how your family is tackling the lunchbox grind?

My husband and I plan our meals on a weekly basis. On Fridays he or I will look at recipes we have collected over the years from magazines or we simply go online for inspiration. He’s usually the one who does the grocery shopping and cooks. I do the dishes and pack the kids lunchbox (teamwork!). I either pack the night before or the morning off. I cut the fruits for their desserts in the morning too and pack their snacks then. We always have a Sandwich Day on Fridays. Ultimately we want our kids to participate in the meals selection and preparation, so sometimes we ask them what they want to eat (and no, they don’t ask for fries!) or to help in the kitchen.

  • What do you like the most about tracking and sharing your lunch ideas with Teuko?

We’re proud to see our kids eat everything and stay curious about food so we share what they eat! I just want to share with others who may need inspiration or motivation. It also helps me meet new moms or follow others who do the same thing and share their inspiration.
I count on Teuko to help me find new inspiration but also to organize our menus for the week in a digital way (until now we did everything on a piece of paper). I expect that being able to print out the grocery list will be also useful to me.

  • What is your best hack against the lunchbox blues?

We switch roles in the meals preparation! My husband will usually pick the menus for 3-4 weeks. Then I’ll do it myself. Like this, each one get his mind off looking for meals ideas for a bit. That helps a lot!
Bonus! Lyly’s kids favorite lunch boxes

“Our kids love spaghetti and wraps!”


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